RAISE A GLASS TO GOOD. Employee Owned. Mission Driven.
The What. The How. The Why

The What  


FruitCraft was started in 2009 making predominately natural wines made from fruit.  Founded in San Diego, the founder, Alan Haghighi, was inspired by the Craft Beer scene. But where breweries at the time were fermenting mostly grains - an inexpensive source of sugar vis-à-vis starch - and where wineries, then and now, ferment grapes - we decided to do what nature has done since the beginning of time - ferment every other fruit! 

Since then, our growing company also produces kombucha, hard kombucha, cider, mead, natural wines from fruit, red wine and  distills Eau De Vie in our San Diego tasting room. 


The Who

Employee & member Owned

And while Fruitcraft wouldn't be possible without our fermented wares, it has been incredibly important to us to make sure the WAY the business is structured and operates reflects our values.

That's why we have setup a company that is democratically run by the employees and members for the benefit of society. When we make decisions, we are first and foremost accountable to the workforce and our community to create and maximize what we call social value, instead of maximizing profits at all costs.


The Why  

To Unleash fruitcraft Profits to create common Good

And it is absolutely a truism that businesses need money. It's their oxygen. But the purpose for business isn't to make money in the same way that the purpose for living isn't to breathe oxygen. In our model for business, profits aren't an end but a means, a resource, to accomplish something bigger, a resource to build the common good. 

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Alan haghighi, founded FruitCraft in 2009. Inspired by the craft beer movement, he sought to create high quality alcohol that would disrupt the industry.